Friday, January 16, 2009

Renaming an existing SharePoint Server

Use the following in order to rename a SharePoint server. I have personally only done this with WFE servers, not sure if it will work with a standalone box, but it should.

• Open a command prompt and change the path to: c:\program files\common files\Microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\bin
• Run the following command to change the server name
Stsadm.exe -o renameserver -oldservername -newservername

• Run the following command to change the Alternate Access Mapping for the Central Administration website. The Port variable in the command below is the port number of the Central Administration site.
stsadm -o addalternatedomain -url :http://: -urlzone extranet -incomingurl :http://:

• Now Open Central Administration/Operations page/Global Configuration heading to finish fixing the Alternate Access Mappings for the SSP/MySites etc. Change the mappings from http://oldservername to http://newservername and select the correct zone (setting as default instead of intranet/internet/extranet).
• Run an IIS reset on the server, and you should be back in business with the new server name.

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